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October Needs

John 21:15-17 If you love me, feed my sheep. 

Thank you for being part of this continuing mission in our community. The garden produce shared has been so appreciated by the families. Your financial support of 'Dairy Case' products continues, as has the 'adopting a product.' If you would like to consistently provide/adopt a food item, call Lori at 920-539-9304. Our needs this month are:

  • Canned Chicken

  • SPAM/ canned Beef Stew

  • Instant Mashed Potatoes

  • 2# bags of White rice

  • Tomato soup

  • Hearty beef soup

  • Canned gravy 

  • Creamed soups

  • Peanut Butter

  • Canned carrots

  • Dried black beans

  • Lo-carb noodles

  • Boost, high protein vanilla

  • Cereal

  • Brown Paper Bags with or without handles

Financial support is appreciated. Checks can be made out to the HFP, Inc and sent to Box 62, Malone WI 53049. Watch for our new website, which will have a 'donation link' to ease the process. Like us on Facebook at Holyland Food Pantry. Thank you!

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HFP awarded Grant for freezers and coolers

The Holyland Food Pantry was recently notified of it's successful grant application for offsetting items currently needed.  Included in the award was a refriderated cargo van,  mobile coolers and freezers.  All of these items will be able to help us access bulk food, and provide safe food storage over the coming years.  The Wisconsin Food Insecurity Network Grant  was part of the Wisconsin Department of of Agriculture, Trade and Consumer Protection agency, and is intended to help meet COVID related expenses and to build capacity of Hunger Relief Organizations in Wisconsin.

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September Needs!

Please accept a heartfelt 'Thank You' from the clients who access food from the Holyland Food Pantry.The volunteers with the HFP receive the verbal thank you, but we know that it is also meant for you to hear. 

Needs for September:

  • Cereal

  • Peanut Butter

  • Hamburger Helper

  • Macaroni and Cheese

  • Canned Carrots

  • Creamed Soups

  • Granola Bars

  • Pancake Syrup

If you would prefer to make a financial gift to the HFP, reducing your exposure in the stores, you can mail it to Box 62, Malone WI 53049. You could also consider 'adopting' a single product, providing 20-40 units of something on a regular basis. Call the HFP at 920-286-1333 and leave a message.

If you or someone you know needs food now, call 920-286-1333, leave a name and phone number in the message. A pantry volunteer will return the call as soon as possible.

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Continuing Needs

HFP is continuing to use a drive thru style pantry in May.

Thank you for your incredible support during the "Each One Helps One' and 'The Rest of the Dairy Case' campaigns. Both have supported the HFP in the purchase and provision of more meat, milk, and fresh produce. Financial contributions at this time are most helpful, and reduce exposure of yourself and others. The new mailing address is HFP, Box 62, Malone, WI 53049.

The following items are harder to find. If you can purchase them on your shopping trip, and share with the pantry, it would be appreciated.

  • 2# bags of white rice

  • Powdered Milk

  • Paper Bags are still needed 

If you know someone who needs help, they can call 920=286-1333, and the 'Little Outside Pantry' has food items 24-7 for anyone who needs food now. Located at N10362 St. Paul Rd.

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Fond du Lac Foundation Grant to HFP

The Fond du Lac Area Foundation has provided a grant to the Holyland Food Pantry. The purpose of the $1000.00 grant is to support the work of the 2020 Board, as HFP Board will work to strengthen our effectiveness and stability for all program aspects. Achieving this goal will benefit clients and volunteers, as well as aid in a transparent plan of services and resources offered. This grant will offset the costs of updating a digital and hard copy of a handbook, as well as new pamphlets which are given to social service agencies and partners.

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Chilton FFA Challenge

Linda Sattler has challenged her alumni association to contribute financially to the HFP. The purpose of this challenge is to help the pantry shop the 'Rest of the Dairy Case". Currently, the pantry provides milk, eggs, butter and cheese. That leaves out sour cream, yogurt, dips, creams, and other unique products. You can help local farmers in this way, as we see the difficulty that COVID 19 is creating in the distribution chain. Send checks to HFP, Box 62, Malone, WI 53049, and list :Dairy Case in the memo line. The pantry shoppers will take it from there!

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Continued Updates

People are not able to gather and collect items easily right now. Join us as we make this effort:


Would you consider sending a check for $10.00 or more to the HFP, N10362 St. Paul Rd, Malone, WI 53049? The monthly expense per person during this time of reduced distribution will average around $10-$15.00. Thank you for considering this change in giving for the coming month. The pantry is attempting to bulk order food supplies. This reduces our overall virus exposure.

You can also drop food items off in the bin located on the pantry porch. Most collection bins cannot be accessed right now.

Other ways to help? 

Share with others that the Pantry 'grab and go' is located in the little library at the Pantry for anyone who needs help;

Share a new pantry contact number: 920-948-6147 (Mary);

and know that emergency food is available when you call that number.

The HFP joins you in the mission of taking care of the neighbors in need. We pray for an end to the suffering, and a return to wellness for all those who are struggling. Finally, please follow the guidance of the state and federal government.

HFP thanks you for your support.

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COVID-19 Recommendation

People are reaching out to the pantry offering suggestions and recommendations as we go forward in this COVID 19 social distancing and self-isolation.

One suggestion is to begin accepting 'drop shipments'' through Amazon Prime, UPS or FedEx as a way to support the efforts to feed our neighbors in need. The HFP welcomed this suggestion.

Our address is N10362 St. Paul Road, Malone, WI 53049.

After you select and pay for the product, give a courtesy notification by email to State what is being shipped, and when it is expected. Pantry staff will be sure to retrieve it.

In particular, kid-friendly products like granola and cereal bars, fruit roll-ups, fruit juice packs, shelf stable cheese spreads, dried fruits, nuts and raisins are appreciated. Always, financial gifts are welcome.

Remember, if you or someone you know in our area is food insecure, contact the HFP pantry at 920-948-6147.

This is all new to all of us. Let's keep working together and stay safe. Thank you.

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More COVID-19 Changes

This month the pantry is changing to a drive-thru distribution.  Just open your your ID, and the prepared boxes of food will be placed in your vehicles.  

This is new territory for everyone, so please bear with the changes!  This is all in an effort to limit close contact between patrons as well as volunteers.  

If you feel ill - please try to wear a mask or avoid coming closer than 6 feet from others. 

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COVID-19 Impact

COVID 19 has caused many organizations to rethink and alter planned events. The Holyland Food Pantry is no different. The HFP plans to provide those in need with quality food and hygiene products at the Third Friday monthly distribution. Bars of soap and paper towels will be made available.

Here are some ways you can help:

Donate snacks, shelf stable juice, crackers and continue to lift prayers.

Financial gifts may be sent to to HFP, and items can be left at the Dropbox located at N10362 St. Paul Rd, Malone, Wi. 53049. 

The statewide school closures, along with the many other cancellations are impacting families lives. 

If you are in need of emergency food, or know another who needs help, please use the HFP emergency contact 

number : 920-948-6147. The pantry will do it's best to share information on other resources and give contact numbers as appropriate. 

Be safe, and wash those hands often.❤️

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Marine Credit Union Foundation Donation

The Holyland Food Pantry recently received a generous donation from Marine Credit Union Foundation, Wisconsin American Drive location in Fond du Lac. The foundation funds are collected from employee contributions, member contributions and organization “match” contributions. Employees from each branch decide how to use the funds to assist charitable organizations within the community.

Pictured are Barb Ackerman and Martina Leon, Marine Credit Union and Diane Thome, Holyland Food Pantry.

Pictured are Barb Ackerman and Martina Leon, Marine Credit Union and Diane Thome, Holyland Food Pantry.

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