September Needs!

Please accept a heartfelt 'Thank You' from the clients who access food from the Holyland Food Pantry.The volunteers with the HFP receive the verbal thank you, but we know that it is also meant for you to hear. 

Needs for September:

  • Cereal

  • Peanut Butter

  • Hamburger Helper

  • Macaroni and Cheese

  • Canned Carrots

  • Creamed Soups

  • Granola Bars

  • Pancake Syrup

If you would prefer to make a financial gift to the HFP, reducing your exposure in the stores, you can mail it to Box 62, Malone WI 53049. You could also consider 'adopting' a single product, providing 20-40 units of something on a regular basis. Call the HFP at 920-286-1333 and leave a message.

If you or someone you know needs food now, call 920-286-1333, leave a name and phone number in the message. A pantry volunteer will return the call as soon as possible.


HFP awarded Grant for freezers and coolers


Continuing Needs