September Needs


Needs for September:

  • Crackers

  • Cereal (except Cheerios)

  • Canned Fruit (especially pineapple)

  • Granola Bars

  • Fruit Roll-Ups

  • School Snacks

  • White Rice (2# Bags)

  • Mayonnaise

The HFP welcomes financial gifts, either towards the purchase of products or to the 'Feed Our Future' Capital Campaign. List your preference in the memo line, and send your gift to HFP, Inc, Box 62, Malone WI, 53049 or visit our Donate page.

If you, or someone you know, needs food please call 920-286-1333. To make arrangements for holding a food drive or group activity, call the HFP at 920-286-1333.


October Needs


Monthly Distribution Update