March Needs
February gifts were so appreciated. You really came through on the products requested and that is appreciated. We have plenty of paper bags for a few months, and are grateful. Financial gifts can still be forwarded to the HFP at PO Box 62, Malone, WI 53049. A check for $60.00 can go a long way towards buying meat for our families in need.
Needs for March:
Canned Pineapple
Bagged Soups
Canned Beef Stew
Oatmeal ' quick cooking' canisters
Elbow macaroni
Raman noodles
If you, or someone you know, needs help with food or finding resources, please share the Holyland Food Pantry phone number, 920-286-1333. It can be exhausting for many people in crisis as they work to solve problems in a world that requires internet, data, and bandwidth. HFP can help.